Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Rise and Fall of the Italian Mafia - 1664 Words

La Cosa Nostra and the Five Families of which the surrounding area of New York City is comprised has drastically altered the culture in the region; transforming industries with brute force and attracting much public attention. Hollywood focuses on glamorizing the Mafioso lifestyle, distracting from the true nature of organized crime. Over the past decade, the key opportunities have been utilized by the Italian Mafia, resulting in a powerful behind-the-scenes dominance over many aspects we may not expect. Its gonna be a Cosa Nostra. The Honored Society, or Mafia, as it was less often called, was a vast criminal brotherhood that had developed in Palermo and western Sicily independently of the Camorra of Naples. They developed†¦show more content†¦Gambling has proven to be one of the more profitable things that the Mafia provides. From their own private casinos to games for elite clientele, to booking off-track bets in Belmont and Saratoga, their profit margins are tremendous. In the 1920s Mafia Boss Bonanno started to fix horse races, betting huge amounts of money on the known outcomes. Fixing boxing matches was also a favorite of the early crime lords. Sammy The Bull Gravano, John Gottis ex Underboss states that charitable casino events in New York from the period of 1970-1995 were most likely a front for private profiteers. A man named Joe Pistone, an undercover FBI agent who became a made man, relates to gambling events hosted by Cosa Nostra as having been taken care of by bribing city officia ls and local police officers. In the 20th century this has proved very profitable, but in the last few years has slowed down due to police forces cracking down heavily. Gambling, however, serves only a limited number of people, and more money can be made on a larger spectrum. Extortion along with the threat of violence is a very common practice among the New York Mafioso, and the Genovese family has used these tactics to substantially gain power in the past decade. When Lucky Lucchese was a boss, his family took income from virtually all importations into New York City ports, and the boats of thoseShow MoreRelatedThe Italian Mob And The Russian Mafia1323 Words   |  6 PagesWhen people think of organized crime they think of the Italian mob and the Russian mafia. They are the ones that they see in movies and on television, and the ones that they hear about the most. However, they were created a couple centuries after their Asian counterparts, the Yakuza in Japan, and the Triads in China. These Asian syndicates were founded in the sixteenth and seventeenth century and consisted of merchants and other people in what was basically the middle class. 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