Thursday, August 27, 2020

Differences between the swedish and english school systems Essays

Contrasts between the swedish and english educational systems Essays Contrasts between the swedish and english educational systems Essay Contrasts between the swedish and english educational systems Essay Contrasts between the Swedish and English educational systems BY observe Comparison Swedish and Great Britain educational system The educational system Sweden has, is characterized low as indicated by a worldwide study which incorporates 40 nations. As the Great British educational system is expanding in rank, the Swedish one is diminishing in rank. Why would that be? In this investigation, I will clarify why, by for the most part taking a gander at the compensation frameworks in every nation. Swedish educational system. The preschool (typically 1-5 years of age) in Sweden delivers as long as 5 years of age youngsters. The preschool isn't compulsory, yet it is an incredible route for the guardians to procure how much time they need to spend on their childrens schoolwork and furthermore to get an image about how simple or hard their youngster can learn. The later preschool (ordinarily 6 years of age) is willful I Sweden. Each youngster in Sweden will be offered a spot in a preschool class. Grade school is obligatory for all kids somewhere in the range of 7 and 16 years of age. It has the numbers, class 1-9. The school start is adaptable in that manner that your age can fluctuate between 6-8. After Primary school, you are not required to go to Secondary school. You can decide to stop school when youve completed the grade school, yet you will be approached to go o the optional school, two to four years, it is known as the Gymnasium. At the point when you finish optional school you can decide to go to college. The normal pay for an educator is around 30. 000 SEEK for every month. The Swedish educational system is positioned number 21/40. The best 3 colleges in Sweden are positioned number 42, 82, and 106 Great British educational system Primary training in Great Britain begins at age 5 and proceeds until age 1, containing key stages one and two under the I-J instructive framework. From age 11 to 16, understudies will enter auxiliary school Primary and auxiliary training is obligatory in Great Britain; after age 16, instruction is discretionary. When an understudy completes auxiliary instruction they have the choice to reach out into further training to take their A-Levels and so forth. Extraordinary British understudies intending to set off for college or college must finish further instruction. Most universal understudies will enter straightforwardly into the Great British advanced education framework, subsequent to finishing their nation of origin comparable to the Great British further training. The section necessities, each degree of instruction in Great Britain has differing prerequisites which must be fulfilled so as to pick up passage at that level http://www. Instructive. Net/pay rates UK. HTML Sub. SE/Pages/Classifiers. Asps? Id=259066 http://mass. VT. SE/Oldenburg/2012/11/27/sevens-kilometers-21 an I-overlade/Education. Gob. UK/get-into-instructing/pay. Asps 20. 000 SEEK/month, experienced educators, 46700 SEEK/month. Incredible British educational system is positioned number 6/40. The three best colleges are positioned number, 2, 3 and 8 Comparison Both the Swedish and the British educational systems comprises of five levels, with various names. The huge contrast is that in Great Britain, it is obligatory to go to class from he age five until you turn 16. That is an eleven years of instruction. Contrasted with Sweden where its compulsory to go to class from the age of 7 to 16. That is a sum of 9 years of instruction. One could ask; - is that enough? - Well, in the event that you start by taking a gander at realities, the Swedish educational system is positioned number 21 on the planet, while the British educational system is positioned number 6. Anyway, there must be something that Great Britains are doing to accomplish a superior school positioning, however what may that be? I believe that the two years longer you go to in school with respect to the British framework hugy affects your score just as on the exhibition. Be that as it may, I accept there is a whole other world to it, why the Great British schools are superior to the Swedish ones. I think it has do to with the adequacy just as the severity of the schools. Another other hypothesis is that the Swedish instructors are to UN-spurred in light of the moderately lower compensation framework. The compensation for instructors in Sweden relies upon which level you educate. In the event that you educate in the auxiliary school, you would show signs of improvement compensation than an educator in the preschool. However, what amount benefit would you be able to take by educating in auxiliary school rather than reechoes? In the event that you are a Swedish educator your pay would change Just a bit (roughly 9%) contingent upon what instruction you have and in which subject you instruct in, however paying little heed to how great you perform(at least not perceptible). In the I-J, the educator pay framework is isolated into 9 distinct levels, Mainly to 133. It is a 80% contrast between the compensation you get at Main 1 and U 3. New educators frequently start at the base of the compensation levels, otherwise called the MI . Every year, educators on the fundamental compensation scale move to the following purpose of the scale, as long as they perform great outcomes. Contingent upon how they proceed as an educator they could even progress by two stages in the compensation scale. Http://www. Instructive. Net/salaries_UK. HTML Conclusion When I glance back at my correlation I accept that the Great British educational system is more grounded, where you have a superior possibility of accomplishing great scores. That is on the grounds that the instructors gets progressively persuaded when they realize that they can rank up as an educator just as improving compensation. It turns out to be increasingly similar to an opposition Who is the best instructor? . However, I dont feel that all the educators are accomplishing their work to take benefit, for all the days off they get as an instructor. There are various individuals who work for various reasons as should be obvious. However, why remove the opportunity to win more cash for the individuals who work for cash? On the off chance that you join a solid pay framework like the Great British one, with an extraordinary educational system like both Sweden and Great Britain has, you get more individuals keen on turning into an instructor since you meet everyones wills. In any case, I think you merit a superior compensation on the off chance that you make a superior Showing than the remainder of the educators. I think this is one of the principle reasons why the Great British educational system is preferred positioned over the Swedish one.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sociolgical Imagination Free Essays

Sociological Imagination Sociological Imagination can be characterized as the capacity to see a distinction in individuals because of their social conditions, how their â€Å"social norms,† impact their lives. Once in a while these circumstances can prompt a result and it gives you an understanding with regards to why things happen the manner in which they do. You comprehend what makes drove that particular result. We will compose a custom paper test on Sociolgical Imagination or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Fundamentally, you comprehend people groups lives since you can perceive how the result impacts their lives and the individuals around them. Having a comprehension of sociological creative mind helps in the field of humanism since it alps you have an alternate point of view on people groups lives. I began dating a person toward the start of my senior year of secondary school. Not long after, we become indivisible. It didn’t take long for me to think I was infatuated. At the point when I sensed that it was the opportune time, we chose to have intercourse. I never felt that I would get pregnant the first run through in light of the fact that we were protected, and I was on conception prevention. Luckily, I didn’t. As the months went on we would hazard not utilizing assurance and I was still not getting pregnant. Idiotically, I thought well perhaps I Just can not get pregnant since it has not transpired at this point. After about a time of dating, I missed my conception prevention for seven days. Around two months after that I become extremely ill and can not hold any food down. My grandma takes me to the specialist and I will always remember that second when the specialist returned and said the words I figured I could never hear. I was pregnant. My sister had gotten pregnant while she was still in secondary school, so my mom truly relied upon me to be the little girl that completed school and afterward began my very own existence. She was so frustrated in me. Yet, the remainder of my family seen it as typical that I had gotten pregnant at 18. A considerable lot of my cousins began a family as opposed to attending a university. 9 out of 11 of my cousins were teenager guardians. Alongside the more youthful age, my grandparents, aunties, and uncles additionally began their families early. While I didn't intentionally attempt to begin a family at my age, my family didn't consider it to be a terrible thing. My sweetheart ventured up in this circumstance and chose from the get-go that he was not going to resemble each other youthful father and run off. He has changed all aspects of his life to give our infant the most ideal life. Quite a while prior getting hitched at a youthful age was socially adequate, presently it is ethically off-base in numerous ultras. Since young ladies were hitched at a youthful age, adolescent pregnancy was acknowledged, too. In this age high schooler pregnancy is still Just as basic as it was at that point, however without the young ladies being hitched or even seeing someone. â€Å"1 . 3 of every 10 teenager American young ladies will get pregnant in any event once before back 20. That’s almost 750,000 adolescent pregnancies consistently. 3. Under 2 percent of high schooler mothers win a professional education by age 30. 5. The United States has one of the most noteworthy youngster pregnancy rates in the western industrialized world. 10. Just about 50% of teenagers have never thought about how pregnancy would influence their lives. (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy) Due to youngster pregnancy rates being so high, Americans need to figure out how to acknowledge and adjust to this being another custom. â€Å"Based on a teenager overview his association directed in 2009, a lion's share (eighty-seven percent) of adolescents who watched the MAT show 16 and Pregnant detailed that they felt the show exhibited to them the genuine hardships that high school pregnancy can bring to the two young ladies and young men. Conversely, not very many (seventeen percent) felt the show really celebrated teenager pregnancy. (Silvers) These demonstrates help to show the battles that all he little youngsters featuring in them face. By putting their accounts out there they are assisting with diminishing teenager pregnancy rates. Despite the fact that there are shows to help attempt to decrease youngster pregnanc y, there are additionally motion pictures and shows that make being explicitly dynamic adolescents look â€Å"cool,† or â€Å"popular. † Many films show the virgin being ridiculed for not being explicitly dynamic. Making sex look fun or cool outcomes in adolescents having intercourse, which may prompt high schooler pregnancy. The social standard for youngsters is to graduate secondary school, head off to college, get a vocation, and start their very own existence. Instructions to refer to Sociolgical Imagination, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

IELTS Writing Task 2 - What Should I Be Prepared To Do?

IELTS Writing Task 2 - What Should I Be Prepared To Do?IELTS writing task 2 is pretty similar to writing task one, but there are differences you need to be aware of. There are not many of them but there are some that are worth looking into. Some of the most important are mentioned below.This is one of the many instances where you would want to carefully read the writing sample. If you find that it doesn't match with the rest of the syllabus, you will certainly find that it has a high chance of hurting your chances of passing the writing test. In fact, you have to go through each sentence word for word to ensure that it isn't inaccurate. It should be listed or highlighted in the student handbook but at least a bit of time must be spent on finding out the true meaning and not simply guessing.Well, as far as you can tell, it is really hard to tell exactly how well you will do without having your test scores evaluated. So, before you set out for the test, ensure that the writing samples are real and not samples used by other students. Test scores can only show what you did on the actual exam, but they cannot measure what you learned during the first few hours of class.You don't want to discover the writing task after it is actually done so make sure you understand the directions and have all the materials in hand. It can be helpful to write down the instructions so that you can bring them with you when you prepare. That way, you won't forget anything or have to double check on what you have already written.Check how you are going to perform on the writing task in writing task one and this time too, compare the results with the results in writing tasks two. However, keep in mind that this does not mean that you are unable to do well on the second writing task. Compare it in the same way you compare the results of the first writing task and make sure you don't have any problems.It's very important to take note of the potential mistakes and learn from them. Some peopl e aren't very quick with words and can't write well without looking things up for themselves. For this reason, try to pay attention to how you write, even if you know it is not something that could be translated into English.Another thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't be afraid to learn from your mistakes and use it as a learning experience. When you find a mistake, make sure that you learn from it and look for another way of expressing the same thing. But, don't let it ruin your entire essay and get you penalized.IELTS Writing Task 2 is much easier than writing task one, but you can expect that you will be challenged and that you won't have to make use of an English vocabulary guide to help you when you attempt the second one. Instead, you will need to focus on your target language and what the material is about. With this, you will also be able to prepare for the test you need to pass to take the final IELTS exam.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Film Contributions of the Sixties Essay - 1651 Words

Film Contributions of the Sixties Beginning roughly with the release of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Loved the Bomb in 1964, and continuing for about the next decade, the â€Å"Sixties† era of filmmaking made many lasting impressions on the motion picture industry. Although editing and pacing styles varied greatly from Martin Scorcesse’s hyperactive pace, to Kubrick’s slow methodical pace, there were many uniform contributions made by some of the era’s seminal directors. In particular, the â€Å"Sixties† saw the return of the auteur, as people like Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick wrote and directed their own screenplays, while Woody Allen wrote, directed and starred in his own films. Kubrick,†¦show more content†¦These sequences are a result of a film, which for most of its run time does not presented the subjective vision of any one character. In stylistic and visual terms, there is a mov ement from the three-dimensional style of the film’s first half to the flatter, more abstract visual style of the Star-Gate sequence. The film’s movement towards abstraction can be understood both in visual and narrative terms (Falsetto, 115). 2001’s presentation of details from the â€Å"Dawn of Man† sequence, to later space travel scenes are shot with complete conviction and impeccable detail. The viewer believes that the world might have actually looked like what Kubrick presented it as, several million years ago, and the depiction of space travel is just as convincing. The use of models, front projection, the slow editing techniques and camera work all help to create a more complete illusion (Falsetto, 141). If 2001 was presented almost completely objectively, than Kubrick’s next film, A Clockwork Orange (1972) was presented almost completely subjectively. This may have been in part due to the constraints of the original novel by William Burgess, but nonetheless the film is told from the point of view of its central character, Alex. When Alex is not speaking on camera, he can often be heard as a voiced overShow MoreRelatedAn Exploration of How the Designer Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas Managed to Incorporate and Interpret the Narrative of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ Into Their Title Sequence1169 Words   |  5 Pagesbecause while it embodied the basic narrative of the film – the ongoing cat and mouse chase between the conman (Frank Abagnale Jr) and the FBI agent (Carl Hanratty) – the titles designers also interpreted different themes and applied them to the titles in a way that isn’t apparent until after the film has finished. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Charlotte Brontë, 19th Century Novelist

Best-known as the author of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontà « was a 19th century writer, poet, and novelist. She was also one of the three Brontà « sisters, along with Emily and Anne, famous for their literary talents.   Fast Facts: Charlotte Bronte Full Name: Charlotte Brontà «Pen Names: Lord Charles Albert Florian Wellesley, Currer BellOccupation: AuthorBorn: April 21, 1816 in Thornton, EnglandDied: March 31, 1855 in Haworth, EnglandSpouse: Arthur Bell Nicholls (m. 1854)Key Accomplishments: Brontà «, along with her two sisters, broke into the male-dominated writing world. Her masterpiece, Jane Eyre, remains immensely popular and critically acclaimed today. Early Life  and Education Brontà « was the third of six siblings born in six years to the Rev. Patrick Brontà « and his wife, Maria Branwell Brontà «. She was born at the parsonage in Thornton, Yorkshire, where her father was serving. All six children were born before the family moved in April 1820 to  the 5-room parsonage at Haworth on the moors of Yorkshire that they would call home for most of their lives. Her father had been appointed as perpetual curate there, meaning that he and his family could live in the parsonage as long as he continued his work there. The father encouraged the children to spend time in nature on the moors. Maria died the year after the youngest, Anne, was born, possibly of uterine cancer or of chronic pelvic sepsis. Maria’s older sister, Elizabeth Branwell, moved from Cornwall to help care for the children and for the parsonage. She had an income of her own. The dining room of the Bronte Parsonage Museum at Haworth Parsonage.   Christopher Furlong/Getty Images In September of 1824, the four older sisters, including Charlotte, were sent to the Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge, a school for the daughters of impoverished clergy. The daughter of writer Hannah Moore was also in attendance. The harsh conditions of the school were later reflected in Charlotte Brontà «s novel,  Jane Eyre. A typhoid fever outbreak at the school led to several deaths, and Brontà «s sisters Maria and Elizabeth both died soon after the outbreak. Maria, the eldest daughter, had served as a mother figure for her younger siblings; Charlotte decided she needed to fulfill a similar role as the eldest surviving daughter. Creating Imaginary Lands When her brother Patrick was given some wooden soldiers as a gift in 1826, the siblings began to make up stories about the world that the soldiers lived in. They wrote the stories in tiny script, in books small enough for the soldiers, and also provided newspapers and poetry for the world they apparently first called Glasstown.  Brontà «s first known story was written in March of 1829; she and Branwell wrote most of the initial stories. Illustration of the four Bronte siblings, who supported each others imaginations.   Culture Club/Getty Images In January of 1831, she was sent to school at Roe Head, about fifteen miles from home. There she made friends of Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor, who were to be part of her life later as well.  Brontà « excelled in school, including at French. In eighteen months, she returned home, and resumed the Glasstown saga. Meanwhile, her younger sisters, Emily  and Anne, had created their own land, Gondal, and Branwell had created a rebellion. Brontà « negotiated a truce and cooperation among the siblings. She began the Angrian stories. Brontà « also created paintings and drawings – 180 of them survive.  Her younger brother, got familial support for developing his painting skills towards a possible career, but such support was not available to the sisters. Teaching Career In July of 1835, Brontà « had an opportunity to become a teacher at Roe Head school. They offered her a tuition-free admission for one sister as payment for her services. She took Emily along, but Emily soon became ill, an illness attributed to homesickness.  Emily returned to Haworth and the youngest sister, Anne, took her place. The school moved in 1838, and Brontà « left that position in December, returning home and later calling herself â€Å"shattered.† She had continued to return to the imaginary world of Angria on holidays from school, and continued writing in that world after she moved back to the family home. In May of 1839, Brontà « briefly became a governess. She hated the role, especially the sense she had of having â€Å"no existence† as a family servant, and left in mid-June. A new curate, William Weightman, arrived in August of 1839 to assist the Rev. Brontà «. A new and young clergyman, he seems to have attracted flirting from both Charlotte and Anne Brontà «, and perhaps more attraction from Anne. Brontà « received two different proposals in 1839:  one from Henry Nussey the brother of her friend, Ellen, with whom she’d continued to correspond; the other was from an Irish minister. She turned them both down. Portrait of Charlotte Bronte, circa 1841.   Hulton Archive/Getty Images In February of 1842, Charlotte and Emily went to London and then Brussels.  They attended a school in Brussels for six months, then were both asked to stay on, serving as teachers to pay for their tuition. Charlotte taught English and Emily taught music. In September, they learned that the young Rev. Weightman had died. Elizabeth Branwell died that October, and  the four Brontà « siblings received shares of their aunt’s estate. Emily worked as a housekeeper for her father, serving in the role their aunt had taken.  Anne returned to a governess position, and Branwell followed Anne to serve with the same family as a tutor.   Brontà « returned to Brussels to teach. She felt isolated there, and perhaps fell in love with the master of the school, though her affections and interest were not returned.  She returned home at the end of a year, though she continued to write letters to the schoolmaster from England, and returned home, along with Anne. Their father needed more help in his work, as his vision was failing.  Branwell had also returned, in disgrace, and declined in health as he increasingly turned to alcohol and opium. Writing for Publication In 1845, Brontà « found Emily’s poetry notebooks, and the three sisters discovered each others’ poems. They selected poems from their collections for publication, choosing to do so under male pseudonyms. The false names would share their initials: Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. They assumed that male writers would find easier publication. The poems were published as Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell in May of 1846 with the help of the inheritance from their aunt.  They did not tell their father or brother of their project.  The book only initially sold two copies, but got positive reviews, which encouraged them. The sisters began preparing novels for publication. Charlotte wrote The Professor, perhaps imagining a better relationship with her friend, the Brussels schoolmaster.  Emily wrote  Wuthering Heights, adapted from the Gondal stories, and  Anne wrote Agnes Grey, rooted in her experiences as a governess. The next year, July 1847, the stories by Emily and Anne, but not Charlotte’s, were accepted for publication, still under the Bell pseudonyms.  They were not actually published immediately, however. Charlotte Brontà « wrote Jane Eyre and offered that to the publisher, ostensibly an autobiography edited by Currer Bell.  The book became a quick hit.  Some surmised from the writing that Currer Bell was a woman, and there was much speculation about who the author might be.  Some critics condemned the relationship between Jane and Rochester as â€Å"improper.† The first page of the Jane Eyre manuscript in Brontes own writing.   Hulton Archive/Getty Images The book, with some revisions, entered a second edition in January 1848, and a third in April of that same year. After Jane Eyre had proven a success, Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey also were published.  A publisher began advertising the three as a package, suggesting that the three â€Å"brothers† were really a single author.  By that time Anne had also written and published The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Charlotte and Emily went to London to claim authorship by the sisters, and their identities were made public. Family Tragedy and Later Life Brontà « had begun a new novel, when her brother Branwell, died in April of 1848, probably of tuberculosis. Emily caught what seemed to be a cold at his funeral, and became ill. She declined quickly, refusing medical care until relenting in her last hours.  She died in December.  Then Anne began to show symptoms, though she, after Emily’s experience, did seek medical help.  Brontà « and her friend Ellen Nussey took Anne to Scarborough for a better environment, but Anne died there in May of 1849, less than a month after arriving.   Brontà «, now the last of the siblings to survive, and still living with her father, completed her new novel, Shirley: A Tale, in August, and it was published in October 1849.  In November, she went to London, where she met such figures as William Makepeace Thackeray, Harriet Martineau, and Elizabeth Glaskell. She began corresponding with many of her new acquaintances and friends and refused another offer of marriage. She republished Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey in December 1850, with a biographical note clarifying who her sisters, the authors, really were. The characterization of her sisters as the impractical but caring Emily and the self-denying, reclusive, not so original Anne, tended to persist once those impressions became public.  Brontà « heavily edited her sisters’ work, even while claiming to be advocating truthfulness about them.  She suppressed the publication of Anne’s Tenant of Wildfell Hall, with its portrayal of alcoholism and a woman’s independence. Engraving of Charlotte Bronte, mid 19th century. Stock Montage/Getty Images   Brontà « wrote Villette, publishing it in January of 1853, and split with Harriet Martineau over it, as Martineau disapproved of it. Arthur Bell Nicholls, the Rev. Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s curate, surprised her with a proposal of marriage.  Charlotte’s father disapproved of the proposal, and Nicholls left his post.  She turned down his proposal initially, then began secretly corresponding with him until they became engaged and he returned to Haworth.  They were married on June 29, 1854, and honeymooned in Ireland. Charlotte continued her writing, beginning a new novel, Emma. She also took care of her father at Haworth. She became pregnant the year after her marriage, then found herself extremely ill. She died on March 31, 1855. Her condition was at the time diagnosed as tuberculosis, but some have, much later, speculated that the description of symptom more likely fits the condition hyperemesis gravidarum, essentially an extreme morning sickness with dangerously excessive vomiting. Legacy In 1857, Elizabeth Gaskell published The Life of Charlotte Brontà «, establishing the reputation of Charlotte Brontà « as having suffered from a tragic life.  In 1860, Thackeray published the unfinished Emma.  Ã‚  Her husband helped revise The Professor for publication with the encouragement of Gaskell. Two stories, The Secret and Lily Hart, were not published until 1978. By the end of the 19th century, Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s work was largely out of fashion. Interest revived in the late 20th century.  Jane Eyre has been her most popular work, and has been adapted for stage, film and television and even for ballet and opera. Today, she is one of the most-read authors in the English language. Sources Fraser, Rebecca.  Charlotte Brontà «: A Writers Life  (2nd ed.). New York: Pegasus Books LLC, 2008.Miller, Lucasta.  The Brontà « Myth. London: Vintage, 2002.Paddock, Lisa; Rollyson, Carl.  The Brontà «s A to Z. New York: Facts on File, 2003.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Class Discrimination And Economic Oppression

In today’s world, many people experience pressure from family members and society, poverty levels, social class discrimination and economic oppression. Throughout this semester, we have read many stories that can be related to today’s society problems. Four out of ten stories we have read this semester have caught my attention: Eveline, Everyday Use, Rocking Horse Winner, and the Bride comes to Yellow Sky. These stories share some humanistic behaviors that we still encounter in today’s world. The titles listed are stories that display a strong illustration of family pressure, poverty, social class discrimination, religious influences and economic oppression, just as today’s society. Even though these illustrations were created in the past, the behavior and characteristic meaning of each story still share comparison to what is going on in today’s world with individuals. The story called, â€Å"Eveline†, I compared this fictional story to the world we currently live in. First in the story, Eveline, Eveline was portrayed as being a normal teenager who became entitle to a lot of responsibilities after the death of her mother. She was dating a sailor and had plans of moving away with him and starting her own family. While planning her permanent departure from her family, she knew that her family suffered financially, and it resulted her to get a job. A while ago, I read a paragraph that showed a statistic chart showing how many American teenagers are in the same predicament asShow MoreRelatedThe Causes And Traits Of Oppression1614 Words   |  7 Pagesand traits of oppression in America. Dynamics such as the social, historical, and psychological systems that serve as vessels of oppression will be addressed. Using academic research, the goal for this essay will be to discuss the characteristics of oppression and how those characteristics are connected to its origin. 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The parents of grade 7 and 8 students, of an elite private school of a higher social economic status, presented an objection to their children learning about social inequalities. Parents of the students feel their adolescent children are not ready to tackle these issues of oppression, rather continue to focus on learning skills they feel will lead to future successesRead MoreThe, China, And Post Mao China Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesChina Introduction The twentieth century was not only transformational but also traumatic for China just like other societies. Notably, the prevalence of warfare in China was high throughout the century. In addition to war, dramatic peacetime economic and social changes characterized the country’s twentieth century. These shifts often resulted from official policies related to redistribution of property, collectivism experiments, and land reforms. China’s early cinema industry represented these changesRead MoreA Woman s Experience With The Law Essay1416 Words   |  6 Pagesa tool, a tool of resistance, power, or even oppression. A woman’s experience with the law can potentially see the law as a tool of oppression. Internationally, across many states like Ohio itself, a husband can legally rape his wife if his wife is subdued by drugs, or any substance that lessens her chances of resistance and encourages consent (Allen, 2015). Across many legal institutions, and systems a woman suffers from discrimination or oppression due to her ‘multiple identities’ (Lockhart MitchellRead MoreEssay on Aboriginal People of Canada1267 Words   |  6 Pagesparticular country), have been oppressed by the Canadian society and continue to live under racism resulting in gender/ class oppression. 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The word found traction in BritainRead MoreDiscrimination And Oppression : An Individual1710 Words   |  7 PagesDiscrimination and Oppression: When discussed what, it means to be a discriminated or oppressed as an individual, especially a person with an intellectual disability, we must first look at the terminology and how it will be relatable for their circumstances. For discrimination, it is described as people or groups of people, which include race, class, gender, age, sexual orientation, who are and continued to be defined as â€Å"other,† when they are perceived through â€Å"dominant† group values. TheseRead MoreVisible Minority And Immigrant Racism1583 Words   |  7 Pagesperson is treated equally in the workplace whether it be hiring, promotion, assignments or termination. However in reality, racial discrimination and harassment remain pervasive in the workplace, with 1 in 4 visible minority workers who reported that they had experienced racial harassment or discrimination in the workplace [3]. In this essay, I will be discussing the social-history of racism in the workplace, the nature of raci sm in the labour force, motives and factors, immigration policies, temporaryRead MorePrivilege And Oppression : Concepts That Provides Clarification On People s Experience1739 Words   |  7 PagesPrivilege and oppression are concepts that provides clarification on people’s experience. They both contribute to intersectionality which explain notion that people’s perspectives and experiences differ in term of the categories of identity. Each person may experience privilege and/ or oppression from institutional structures depending on their situations. 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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Potential Market for Apple Ipad in the Uk free essay sample

Firstly, the main body of the report will briefly introduce creative thinking. Then, it will present the approaches for marketing iPad in the UK successfully. After that, it will make a conclusion in a few words. 2. 0 Creative thinking Creative thinking plays a significant part in constantly increasing the amounts of human knowledge, improving perceptivity of human being, as well as opening up new situation for practice. Creativity is the basis for generating innovation which is favorable to improve organizational competitiveness in the marketplace (Amabile, et al, 1996). It can be seen that creative thinking plays a significant role in the success or failure of new product or services in the market. Innovation can be driven by leadership, people management, knowledge management, and creativity management (Prajogo and Ahmed, 2006). The sources of creativity and innovation are people including customers, specialists, groups and teams, as well as individuals. Apple can be regarded as an innovative firm. We will write a custom essay sample on The Potential Market for Apple Ipad in the Uk or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Its innovation capacity comes from innovative chief executive. How to market its products creatively is very crucial for the success of product sales, which ill be discussed in the next section. 3. 0 Recommendations for successfully marketing iPad in the UK Marketing is the root for the survival and development of an organization. Over time, a large number of marketing approaches come to the market, including relationship marketing, direct marketing, service marketing, internet marketing, international marketing and brand marketing and so on. Successful product marketing should attach much importance to many aspects such as market demand, customer preference, price, and marketing mix and etc. The following paragraphs will suggest ways how the iPad can be marketed successfully in the UK. In order to successfully marketing product or services in a new market, the first and most important thing for an organization to do is market research. In this way, the organization can better meet customer demands and preferences by analyzing market researching findings. In general, market research consists of four steps, that is, gathering the data, integrating the evidence, unraveling the insight, and telling the story (Rawlinson, 1970). It is known that iPhone has obtained remarkable success in the market. Owing to this, iPad has already employed the iPhone-style user interface (Johnson and Arthur, 2010). It is apparently that iPad is not creative in this aspect as a result of passive consumption. For successfully marketing, the company must attempt to persuade consumers to accept the uncommonness of the product. The key lies in how to promote its advantages overwhelming its advantages. As a whole, the company must explain clearly about the creation of the product so as to attract the attention of consumers. Otherwise, the marketing of the iPad will suffer from the impediment or even resistance from consumers. In the next place, marketing strategy is one of important factors to help the organization to remain invincible in the increasingly dramatic market competition. The iPad can provide numerous applications for customers but not only limited to web browsing, email and reading e-books (Johnson and Arthur, 2010). At the beginning, Apple did not make a price for iPad in the UK market. However, according to the surveys, a great many customers in the UK reveal that iPad is excessively expensive (Harvey, 2010). It can be seen that cost is a key factor to determine if iPad can be successfully marketed in the UK. On one hand, the company should employ appropriately pricing strategy. Pricing strategies include skimming, market pricing and penetration pricing (Sutton-Brady and Beal, 2008). It is obviously that the UK is a new potential market for Apple. The key for the survival of the company in the new market is to stimulate market and capture market share. For this reason, penetration pricing strategy should be adopted by the company. On the other hand, the company should attempt to reduce cost as much as possible by all means. The last but not the least, promotional methods are also of great importance to the sales of products. Traditional promotional mix mainly includes the elements such as advertising, personnel selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relation. Among them, advertising is an important tool for marketing at any time. Both mature and blind consumers will be guided by the advertisement. What’s more, the returns from advertising are also impressive at short notice. In addition, public relation makes great contribution to corporate image and marketing. However, with the development of media technology, the promotional mix is taking place great changes. Moreover, the communication has already gone through four ages from interruption, entertainment, engagement to dialogue. From this aspect, it can be said that the iPad has already done a good job for media in different sectors including print and publishing, television, and advertising (Arthur, Anderson and Sweney, 2010). It has satisfied the customer demands on entertainment and engagement. According to the statistics, 70% of the content of the web will be user generated until 2010 (Daugherty, Eastin and Bright, 2008). From this, it can be seen that it is very important for an organization to interact with customers. For this reason, customer engagement and interaction should be embodied in every link of marketing. The advertising ideas of iPad will be multiplatform rather than the â€Å"big TV campaign† mentality; furthermore, it will develop creative advertising ideas by a spectrum of consumer engagement (Arthur, Anderson and Sweney, 2010). From the perspective of public relation, traditional public relation messaging techniques may not be perceived as authentic any more. On the contrary, the company should regard user reviews and comments as the new word of mouth. Their messages will become the critical factors to improve the leadership of Apple in the UK market. 4. 0 Conclusion To sum up, marketing is extremely important for the development and expansion of an organization. The report has firstly introduced a little about creative thinking. Then, it has demonstrated how the iPad can be successfully marketed in the UK. Firstly, the company needs to conduct market research and make correspondingly responses by market analysis. Secondly, the company is necessary to formulate appropriately pricing strategy. Thirdly, the company must focus on the interaction with customers in the age of media technology. The iPad can be marketed successfully by effective market reaction, correct pricing strategy, as well as frequent interaction with consumers. References Amabile, T. et al, (1996) Assessing the work environment for creativity, Academy of Management Journal, 39 (5): 1154-1184. Arthur, C. Anderson, K. and Sweney, M. (2010) A Good Job for Media, http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2010/feb/01/ipad-imapact-on-media, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Daugherty, T. , Eastin, M. S. and Bright, L. (2008) Exploring Consumer Motivations for Creating User-Generated Content, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8(2): 1-24. Harvey, M. (2010) British Buyers will Pay More for iPad, but Critics Say Wait, http://business. ti mesonline. co. uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/technology/article7119823. ece, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Johnson, B. and Arthur, C. 2010) Apple iPad: The Wait is over – but is it Future of Media or Oversized Phone? http://www. guardian. co. uk/technology/2010/jan/27/apple-ipad-tablet-computer-k indle, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Prajogo, D. I. and Ahmed, P. K. (2006) Relationship between Innovation Stimulus, Innovation Capacity, and Innovation Performance, Ramp;D Management, 36(5): 499-515. Rawlinson, J. G. (1970) Creative Thinking and Brainstorming, London: British Institute of Management. Sutton-Brady, C. and Beal, T. (2008) International Marketing, South Melbourne, Vic: Thomson Learning Australia.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Free Essays on Bridge to Terabithia

â€Å"Bridge to Terabithia† The two main characters in the story are Jesse and Lesley who are the protagonists. Jesse is a sixth grade boy trying to make it through the school year without getting beat up by the antagonist, a girl, who is the biggest bully in school. Lesley, on the other hand, is an outgoing girl with a great attitude towards life. The plot of the story is when Jesse and Lesley decide to create a make believe world just for themselves. They call it Terabithia which is the setting of the story. It’s a secret place in the forest that only they know about. Jesse is a great artist and often brings his work to Terabithia for Lesley see. Lesley also brings the dog that Jesse bought for her to Terabithia. They named him Prince so he could be the prince of Terabithia. The foreshadowing of my story is when Jesse comes home to find that the television is off which was extremely unlikely at his house. Then he was told about the climax, which was when Lesley was trying to cross the bridge to Terabithia and she slipped and fell off in the rain. Jesse was at the Art Museum with his teacher when this happened. Jesse goes through many phases of denial. He has flashbacks of all the great times he and Lesley had together. This is a major conflict for Jesse because of how much Lesley meant to him and how she had become his only best friend. The tone of my book has now changed from exciting, fun, and adventurous to sad and very teary. The mood now is very depressing. Jesse starts to have trouble concentrating in school and is depressed all the time. He doesn’t even care if he’s bullied anymore. When he goes to school for the first day or two after the incident, the children were asking lots of questions. The next day there were fewer questions and then they stopped. The irony of this was that Jesse still knew where their special place was, the one that nobody else knew about. J... Free Essays on Bridge to Terabithia Free Essays on Bridge to Terabithia â€Å"Bridge to Terabithia† The two main characters in the story are Jesse and Lesley who are the protagonists. Jesse is a sixth grade boy trying to make it through the school year without getting beat up by the antagonist, a girl, who is the biggest bully in school. Lesley, on the other hand, is an outgoing girl with a great attitude towards life. The plot of the story is when Jesse and Lesley decide to create a make believe world just for themselves. They call it Terabithia which is the setting of the story. It’s a secret place in the forest that only they know about. Jesse is a great artist and often brings his work to Terabithia for Lesley see. Lesley also brings the dog that Jesse bought for her to Terabithia. They named him Prince so he could be the prince of Terabithia. The foreshadowing of my story is when Jesse comes home to find that the television is off which was extremely unlikely at his house. Then he was told about the climax, which was when Lesley was trying to cross the bridge to Terabithia and she slipped and fell off in the rain. Jesse was at the Art Museum with his teacher when this happened. Jesse goes through many phases of denial. He has flashbacks of all the great times he and Lesley had together. This is a major conflict for Jesse because of how much Lesley meant to him and how she had become his only best friend. The tone of my book has now changed from exciting, fun, and adventurous to sad and very teary. The mood now is very depressing. Jesse starts to have trouble concentrating in school and is depressed all the time. He doesn’t even care if he’s bullied anymore. When he goes to school for the first day or two after the incident, the children were asking lots of questions. The next day there were fewer questions and then they stopped. The irony of this was that Jesse still knew where their special place was, the one that nobody else knew about. J...

Friday, February 21, 2020

Quantity Surveying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Quantity Surveying - Essay Example Quantity Surveyor (QS) controls the construction costs by measuring accurately the work required, the application of expert knowledge of costs and prices of work, labour, materials and plant required, an understanding of the implications of design decisions at an early stage to ensure that good value is obtained for the money to be expended. (Wikipedia). To be a quantity surveyor you should have the following qualities: Private Practice surveyor is that quantity surveyor who works on a private company. The role of Quantity surveyor in a private practice is that it acts as the financial and development consultant to the construction and property development. The quantity surveyor in a private practice includes advising clients on the optimal use of funds as well as strategies to maximize human and physical resources. The traditional QS in a private practice have the following functions: A quantity surveyor in a construction company has a broader role than that of the private practice. In the construction company you need to deal with different kind of people. From the project supervisor, to the engineers and to the workers. An extended knowledge in the surrounding is important. The construction surveyor is concerned with the accurate measurement and position of points on the earth's surface, and to establishment of boundaries. They can do this by measuring the relative horizontal and vertical position of points on the ground, aided by a theodolite or similar optical instrument. QS, In a construction site is much more complicated than that of the private practice. Although there is some role in the private practice that is also being done by the QS in the construction company such as: talk to architects, engineers, builders, contractors, suppliers and project owners study architectural and engineering drawings and specifications prepare a 'Bill of Quantities', which lists the individual components required to construct the project check on changes of design to assess the effects on cost assess and recommend payment to contractors during construction prepare monthly cash-flow forecasts for clients and tax depreciation schedules undertake feasibility studies to assist in decisions about the worth of a project proceeding act as consultants to business and government. Contractors' quantity surveyor is responsible for all legal and commercial matters within the contracting organization. As shown in the graph

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Photograhs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Photograhs - Assignment Example This paper is a formal and iconographic analysis of Arbus photographs as compared with the works of Annie Leibovitz. Arbus is basically revered for bringing out a unique quality known as rough empathy in her photographs. Her works embody commonly gendered attributes of mystery and neurosis, which generally distort the primary intent of the photographs. As Annie Leibovitz concentrated in cool, common images of ordinary people and objects, various works in Arbus’ name reveal her penchant for the images of the sidelined, the surreal, and the impaired. Unlike Leibovitz works, Arbus’s works are ethically weakened by the vulnerability and flawed nature of the subjects. Artistically, most of her works seem to be pathetic, miserable and repulsive, rather than attractive as work of art should be. What strikes every audience who views Arbus’s works is the convincing feeling of the natural environment, and how uninterrupted her subjects existed in it. In light of her natural touch evidenced in the photos, reducing the artist to the â€Å"photographer of freaks† clearly reveals an industry where people are unwilling to come to terms with the otherness of the images (Sontag 1). When Arbus took photographs of people lacking clearly discernible flaws, she often found the off attribute, the odd edging, and the unusual lighting that projected her art as pervaded by flaws. Loser at a diaper derby, N. J. (1967), for example, is one of her iconic works showing a toddler close-up, crying bitterly. The baby’s fat fists are clenched as a sign of mourning, with the silhouette image of his mother showing her ignorance of the toddler. The photograph reveals a case of existential solitude that troubles the massive number of cute, happy baby photos by many artists such as Leibovitz. Leibovitz’s Leonardo Dicaprio with a Swan (1997) reveals a flawless work of photography. The most attractive attribute of this photo is the

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Touch screen applications

Touch screen applications Touch Screen and the meaning of Multi-Touch Nowadays, we all can frequently see the Touch Screen applications around our environment. Starting from our pocket games to ATMs, Service counter applications to Information displays, touch screen technology have been widely used and applied. So why did we call the name of Touch Screen? It was clear that we can refer to touch or contact to the display of the device by a figure or hand or a stylus. By theory, the touch screen has two main attributes [1]. First, it enables one to interact with what is displayed directly on the screen, where it is displayed, rather than indirectly with a mouse or touchpad. Secondly, it lets one do so without requiring any intermediate device, again, such as a stylus that needs to be held in the hand. Such displays can be attached to computers, terminals to networks and also can use such as the personal digital assistant (PDA), satellite navigation devices, mobile phones, and video games. The good beginning of first commercial touch screen computer HP-15 0 [1] had inspired for further development of touch screen technology and its applications. Here are a number of types of touch screen technology as known as Resistive Using electrical conductive layers Surface acoustic wave using ultrasonic waves that pass over the touch screen panel Capacitive classified in two types as surface capacitive and projected capacitive and Optical imaging for large units of touch screen application. There are many ways to create or build a touch screen. Most of the key goals are to recognize one or more fingers touching on a screen to effectively interact with the command of the appropriate applications. Even though touch screen technology patents were filed during the 1970s and 1980s, within the short time they had been expired [1]. Touch screen components manufacturing and product design are no longer in encumbered with regard to patents and the manufacturing of touch screen-enabled displays were widespread. At beginning, touch screen technology started with single-touch. But in later time, have been developed to dual-touch and then now popular article â€Å"Multi-Touch†. The meaning and development of Multi-Touch screens facilitated the tracking of more than one finger on the screen, thus operations that require more than one finger are possible. These devices also allow multiple users to interact with the touch screen simultaneously at the same time. Multi-Touch can explain as a set of interaction techniques which allow users to control the graphical interface with more than one finger at either application or system levels of computers or touch screen displays or mobile phones [2]. It can consists of a touch screen (possible in wall, overlay, table, etc) and the application software that recognizes multiple simultaneous touch points, it would oppose to the single-touch screen which only recognizes single touch point. The actual research development of Multi-Touch had started from since 1982 when the University of Toronto developed the first finger pressure Multi-Touch display [2]. When the time came to 1983 after a long of a year, Murray hay from Bell labs published a comprehensive discussion of touch screen based interfaces. In 1984, Bell labs created a touch screen that could change images with more than one hand. So the University of Toronto have stopped for hardware research and specialized in software and interface development expecting that they would have access to Bell labs work. A breakthrough occurred in 1991 that when Pierre Wellner published a paper on his multi-touch â€Å"Digital Desk†, which supported multi-finger and pinching, motions [2]. But after that time, there were no further widely acceptance or popularity in this field except on special interested groups or research labs. When coming out of the evolutional product from Apple, â€Å"iPhone†, interesting of Mul ti-Touch technology has emerged again to the stage. The iPhone in particular has spawned a wave of interest in multi-touch computing, since it permits greatly increased user interaction on a small scale. And also the introduction of Microsoft Surface from Microsoft Cooperation in 2007 had got many attentions and interesting from publics. Recent years, the use of Multi-Touch technology is expected to rapidly become common place and will stand as one of the innovative techniques. The evolution of human input â€Å"touch† to computer and other devices The most basic fundamental concepts of Multi-Touch Technology are branching out from the concepts of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). To control everything with your hand or fingers are not so as easy as our expected. The good implementation of user interface and the consumption of processing time in application software are most critical saturation and would be needed to consider as first priority. Along side with history, people did endeavor the more moderated techniques in HCI for both hardware and software to useful and friendly than of the previous discoveries. So, nowadays we can see the different versions of computer monitors, mouse, game joysticks and application software that all are more advanced and suited with users requirements and flexibilities. And also in Multi-Touch, it had been for the long way in research and development regarding for HCI, product design and technically improvements. Here are some facts and time lines that have been roughly annotated as a Chronolo gy of Multi-Touch and Related Works. The beginning: Typing N-Key Rollover (IBM and other researchers) It may seem a long way to become a Multi-Touch screen, because the starting story of Multi-Touch had begun with keyboards. They were mechanical devices, hard type rather than of soft. But they did involve a sort of Multi-Touch. First, we can see the sequences of such as the SHIFT, Control, Fn or ALT keys in combination with others. These were the cases where we want Multi-Touch. Second, there were also the cases of unintentional, but inevitable, multiple simultaneous key presses which we want to make proper sense of, the so-called question of n-key rollover (where you can push the next key before releasing the previous one) [3]. Electro acoustic Music: The Early Days of Electronic Touch Sensors (Hugh LeCaine, Don Buchla Bob Moog) It was the early type of touch-sensitive control device, used touch-sensitive capacitance-sensors to control the sound and music being made. It could say touch pads rather than to say touch screen. 1972: PLATO IV Touch Screen Terminal (Computer-based Education Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) It was the early work done by IBM, the University of Illinois, and Ottawa Canada [4]. All were single touch and there were nothing for pressure sensitive. As well as its use of touch, it was remarkable for its use of real-time random-access audio playback, and the invention of the flat panel plasma display. 1981: Tactile Array Sensor for Robotics (Jack Rebman, Lord Corporation) A multi-touch sensor designed for robotics to enable sensing of shape, orientation, etc [5]. 1982: Flexible Machine Interface (Nimish Mehta, University of Toronto) The first multi-touch system that had been aware of designed for human input to a computer system [6]. It was consisted of a frosted-glass panel whose local optical properties were such that when viewed behind with a camera a black spot whose size depended on finger pressure appeared on white background. This with simple image processing allowed multi touch input picture drawing, etc. At the time we discussed the notion of a projector for defining the context both for the camera and the human viewer. 1983: Video Place / Video Desk (Myron Krueger) The vision based system that tracked the hand and enabled multi fingers, hands, and people to interact using a rich set of gestures. It can implement in a number of configurations, including table and wall. 1985: Multi-Touch Tablet (Input Research Group, University of Toronto)

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Dangers of Credit Cards :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The Dangers of Credit Cards Credit cards are an inevitable factor in growing up. Once you turn eighteen it all starts. You receive applications in the mail daily and commercials appear on television as well. This starts to spark an interest. So you say to yourself, "I think I'm responsible enough to get a credit card, I'll only use it for emergencies." Then you apply and it may take a couple times to finally be approved for one. This only makes it worse, of course, because you realize how long you have waited and now you get to buy anything you want, after all you don't have to pay it off for a month. The year is 2001, more and more teen's own credit cards and are already establishing their credit history. This essay will prove the truth about credit cards and what it's like to be in debt. It will also show the easy ways in which commercials and credit card companies can lure you into debt. Credit cards seem to be the easy way to purchase things. If you want a pair of pants but don't have the cash, you can just charge it. In reality, credit cards are not that easy. Once you are approved for a card the company gives you a credit limit, which is proportional to your income. On the average, an eighteen year old would have about a $250 limit. Which is good because it means teenagers cannot charge past the maximum amount of money. When a credit card is maxed out it means that you have hit the highest amount of money you can spend and it won't let you spend anymore. A month later when you receive your bill, the full amount will be shown and the minimum amount owed. The minimum amount is a feature on a credit card that allows the buyer to pay only a certain small sum of the money. For example the bill is $222 and the minimum amount you can pay is $15-$25. If you choose to pay the minimum, the interest value comes in. Each time you don't pay in full, interest rates are charged onto the original bill. This is how people with credit cards run into debt.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Chief Sitting Bull

Loughmiller 1 Austin Loughmiller Davis Research Paper 15 April 2011 Chief Sitting Bull Strong Hearted and Brave â€Å"I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle. † Chief Sitting Bull is one of the most well known Native Americans to this day. He was known for fighting bravely for his people. He died while fighting off white soldiers that were forcing Chief Sitting Bull and his tribe of their own land. Chief Sitting Bull had a life that many people today would try to run from. Although the exact date of his birthday is not known, many speculate that it was from the years 1831 to 1837 (Notable Native Americans). Chief Sitting Bull first distinguished himself as a warrior at fourteen years old (Notable Native Americans). Now fourteen year olds are not allowed to fight in the armed forces but it was encouraged for a teenager to become a warrior for their tribe back then. Sitting Bull fought during the conflicts of the late nineteenth century when the Sioux were constantly resisting white soldiers (Notable Native Americans). Sitting Bull was constantly fighting to protect the land that he and his tribe lived on. Sitting Bull died while fighting for his tribe on December 15, 1890. Sitting Bull is arguably the best-known Indian in American History (Notable Native Americans). Chief Sitting Bull’s whole life was dedicated to being a warrior and as a result he was involved in more wars than the average person today. By 1856, Sitting Bull was on of the sash wearers of the Hunkpapa’s Strong Heart warrior society (Notable Native Loughmiller 2 Americans). When Sitting Bull became the chief of his tribe he was constantly leading his warriors into battles against white soldiers. Sitting Bull’s first altercation with white soldiers occurred in June 1863 (â€Å"Sitting Bull†). Sitting Bull was aiding the Santee Sioux against the white soldiers’ retaliation after the â€Å"Minnesota Massacre. † After aiding the Santee Sioux Sitting Bull was named leader of the Strong Hearts and he became the cofounder of the elite Midnight Strong Hearts (Notable Native Americans). He became the leader of the Strong Hearts after receiving a bullet wound which left him with a permanent limp. Although Sitting Bull was a brave soldier what he did on the battlefield is not the only reason he is remembered. Chief Sitting Bull is widely known today for his resistance against white soldiers. His perhaps mostly remembered for his leadership during the Battle of Little Big Horn (Notable Native Americans). Sitting Bull led warriors to fight off General George Custer when he unsuccessfully attacked a large group of Native Americans gathered to resist white domination. Sitting Bull was known by the public through his appearances on Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show and for his refusal to sign treaties (Notable Native Americans). Sitting Bull never signed a treaty that the American Government offered him. Sitting Bull was killed during his arrest by government officials for supporting the Ghost Dance Movement. They began thinking the Ghost Dance was harmful to themselves and shot Sitting Bull for not stopping it. The death of Sitting Bull led to the Wounded Knee Massacre which killed 153 Lakota Sioux. Sitting Bull was just trying to protect his own people by refusing to sign the treaties that the white soldiers offered him.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Mt/302 Organizational Behavior Essay - 1913 Words

FINAL PROJECT Kathy Taylor MT302/Organizational Behavior March 3, 2012 Instructor Pam DeLotell 1. Think of a present/past work environment you have been on (or use and example from your course materials), and then assess organizational behavior practices you observed that fostered the effect of positive changes(s) within the organization. Cite relevant examples from your personal experience and utilize additional relevant examples from outside sources and/or the course materials to complete this question. As stated by Robbins and Judge (2011), â€Å"organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within†¦show more content†¦A good example would be if an individual was given a project with a deadline and they finish it before the deadline they should be given the choice of a reward, whether it would be a choice between getting a day off with pay, causal Friday, dinner for them and spouse, or leaving work early one day, extra vacation days, or mail a thank you letter to their homes thanking them for a job well done. 3. Think of your current/former workplace. Evaluate an ethical dilemma(s) that is currently challenging or has in the past challenged your workplace in the context of what the social responsibilities are of management and employees for resolving that ethical challenge. If there are no ethical dilemmas in your workplace you may choose a current event. Cite relevant examples from your personal experiences, outside sources, and /or your course materials to complete this question. I would like to define workplace ethics. According to wiseGeek (2003-2012), â€Å"workplace ethics are codes of conduct that influence the development of an ethical culture within the workplace (para.1). Workplace Ethic is where the organization ethics sits between the law and business operations. It inspires communication between employees and allows respect to each person within the organization, which promotes customer relationships that are based on honesty and integrity. However, work experiences and business practices don’t follow ethic and code of conduct rules allShow MoreRelatedEra of the Disposable Worker? Essay727 Words   |  3 PagesEra of the Disposable Worker? Rachel Walker Kaplan University MT 302-03 Organizational Behavior Professor Pam DeLotell May 20, 2013 1.) To what extent can individual business decisions (as opposed to economic forces) explain deterioration in working conditions for many workers? To me it seems the poverty-stricken economy is what leads to the deterioration in individual businesses. The poor economy is making it difficult for the business to draw in a steady income and therefor they needRead MoreBrand Loyalty12984 Words   |  52 Pagesof Advertising, vol. 37, no. 2 (Summer 2008), pp. 99–117.  © 2008 American Academy of Advertising. All rights reserved. ISSN 0091-3367 / 2008 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/JOA0091-3367370208 100 The Journal of Advertising as an attitude-based behavior of brand loyalty, while spurious loyalty can be defined as the inertial repeated purchases with little or no brand-loyal attitude (e.g., Odin, Odin, and Valette-Florence 2001). Our research was built on this distinction between true and spuriousRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesViolation 96 Implied Employment Contract 96 Breech of Good Faith 97 PART 3 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Chapter 5 Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Learning Outcomes 110 Introduction 112 An Organizational Framework 112 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HRM: Competitive Intelligence 114 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning 115 Assessing Current Human Resources 115 Human Resource Information Systems 115 Succession Planning 116 Determining the Demand for Labor 117 Predicting the FutureRead MoreModel Thesis31971 Words   |  128 PagesInfluence of Job Satisfaction on Customer Service Performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..20 Discrepancy Theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...21 Extra Role Behavior†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦22 Customer Service: The Meaning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...25 Nature of Customer Service†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦25 Human Skills or Interpersonal Relationsh ip Skills†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.26 Customer Service Employee Prosocial Behavior†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦28 Relevance of Customer to Service Organizations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.29 Importance of Customer Satisfaction to Profitability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦32Read MoreA Financial Perspective on Mergers and Acquisitions and the Economy19349 Words   |  78 Pagesrestructurings that often accompany them can be wrenching events in the lives of those linked to the involved organizations: the managers, employees, suppliers, customers and residents of surrounding communities. Restructurings usually involve major organizational change (such as shifts in corporate strategy) to meet new competition or market condi tions, increased use of debt, and a flurry of recontracting with managers, employees, suppliers and customers. This activity sometimes results in expansion ofRead MoreReport on Oil and Gas Industry in Pakistan81517 Words   |  327 PagesCompany .........................................................................................61 Figure 5.1: Market Structure and the Role of the Regulator............................................................................66 Figure 5.2: Organizational Structure of OGRA................................................................................................74 Figure 5.3: Methodologies for Solving Cases...................................................................................Read MoreDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words   |  68 Pageswhich resulted in the highest UH60 Blackhawk operational readiness rate; 26% above Army standards. †¢ Developed an innovative physical fitness training program that resulted in a 35% increase in physical fitness test scores, a 100% pass rate and an organizational commitment to health and fitness. †¢ Commanded aviation support to President George W. Bush following the devastating tornado that hit Greensburg, Kansas, which provided aerial video footage capturing the enormity of the destruction as well asRead MoreQuality Improvement328284 Words   |  1314 Pagesbarriers to quality and effective production. In many organizations the economic loss associated with fear is large; only management can eliminate fear. Break down the barriers between functional areas of the business. Teamwork among different organizational units is essential for effective quality and productivity improvement to take place. Eliminate targets, slogans, and numerical goals for the workforce. A target such as â€Å"zero defects† is useless without a plan for the achievement of this objectiveRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesinto the entrance of a termite mound, wai t a few seconds, pull out the twig loaded with termites, and use its lips to strip off the termite snacks. Termite shishkabob. This was the first scientific discovery that another species makes tools. The behavior is not instinctual and must be passed on from one generation to the next by teaching. When Goodall submitted her report about using twig-tools to get termites, Dr. Leakey wrote back, â€Å"Now we will have to redefine tool or redefine human or accept