Friday, August 21, 2020

IELTS Writing Task 2 - What Should I Be Prepared To Do?

IELTS Writing Task 2 - What Should I Be Prepared To Do?IELTS writing task 2 is pretty similar to writing task one, but there are differences you need to be aware of. There are not many of them but there are some that are worth looking into. Some of the most important are mentioned below.This is one of the many instances where you would want to carefully read the writing sample. If you find that it doesn't match with the rest of the syllabus, you will certainly find that it has a high chance of hurting your chances of passing the writing test. In fact, you have to go through each sentence word for word to ensure that it isn't inaccurate. It should be listed or highlighted in the student handbook but at least a bit of time must be spent on finding out the true meaning and not simply guessing.Well, as far as you can tell, it is really hard to tell exactly how well you will do without having your test scores evaluated. So, before you set out for the test, ensure that the writing samples are real and not samples used by other students. Test scores can only show what you did on the actual exam, but they cannot measure what you learned during the first few hours of class.You don't want to discover the writing task after it is actually done so make sure you understand the directions and have all the materials in hand. It can be helpful to write down the instructions so that you can bring them with you when you prepare. That way, you won't forget anything or have to double check on what you have already written.Check how you are going to perform on the writing task in writing task one and this time too, compare the results with the results in writing tasks two. However, keep in mind that this does not mean that you are unable to do well on the second writing task. Compare it in the same way you compare the results of the first writing task and make sure you don't have any problems.It's very important to take note of the potential mistakes and learn from them. Some peopl e aren't very quick with words and can't write well without looking things up for themselves. For this reason, try to pay attention to how you write, even if you know it is not something that could be translated into English.Another thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't be afraid to learn from your mistakes and use it as a learning experience. When you find a mistake, make sure that you learn from it and look for another way of expressing the same thing. But, don't let it ruin your entire essay and get you penalized.IELTS Writing Task 2 is much easier than writing task one, but you can expect that you will be challenged and that you won't have to make use of an English vocabulary guide to help you when you attempt the second one. Instead, you will need to focus on your target language and what the material is about. With this, you will also be able to prepare for the test you need to pass to take the final IELTS exam.

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